Covid-19 Update
Coronavirus Covid-19
Rules and instructions

a. Intro
b. Accommodation Organization
c. Suspected Case Management Plan
d. Keeping files and the Covid-19 Event Book
e. Information & Communication
f. Reception service protocol (reception/ concierge desk)
g. Housekeeping service protocol
h. Our restaurant and bars protocol
i. Operation of swimming pools within accommodation
j. Customer transfer service protocol
k. Drinking water/ water/ sewerage network
l. Air Conditioning and air ventilation
m. Public spaces
n. Suspected Covid-19 case management
o. Informative material on work prevention measures
p. Clinical symptoms of Coronavirus Covid-19
q. Individual hygiene instructions
r. Necessary actions in case of in case of the above symptoms in an employee during his work
s. Cleaning & disinfection instructions in case of confirmed case
t. General cleaning & disinfection instructions
u. Description of preventive actions
v. Materials that must be available in working spaces
w. Useful phone numbers
Our hotel is fully operating again from the 1st of July 2020, after all this Covid-19 situation, following all the latest measures and guidelines of the Greek government and the Ministry of Health in Greece. We are a certified hotel with the protocol and all our staff is well trained for a safe and flawless stay at Athina Luxury Suites. The coordinator for the supervision of the implementation of the action plan of our hotel and the responsible for the observance of the protocols is Mrs.Argyrou Artemis. Our collaborating physician and doctor is Santorini MedLife Clinic which is located at Mesaria Village.
The tourist accommodation grants to each member of the staff adequate M.A.P. and ensures the continuous adequacy of stocks. Any member of the staff who has symptoms related to illness stays at home and returns to work if the laboratory test is negative. Also, if they come in contact with a case, they must stay at home. In the above cases, any employees notify the person responsible for the implementation of the suspicious case management plan.No staff members live in the hotel.In the context of individual responsibility, all staff are optionally monitored for temperature every morning. Careful monitoring of staff may follow depending on the epidemiological picture of the local community / area.
Responsible for the implementation of the disaster case management plan of the accommodation is Mrs.Argyrou Artemis. All our staff have been informed of the application manager and her contact details. Collaborating Physician and doctor is Santorini MedLife Clinic, located at Mesaria village with tel.number +302286030403.
For the purposes of public health protection, the accommodation management / administration keeps a record of staff members and all persons residing in the accommodation - name, nationality, date of arrival and departure, contact details (address, telephone, email) - so that it is possible to communicate with close contacts in the event of a COVID-19 impact, which may be identified afterwards. Attention should be paid to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and all visitors are informed that a file is kept for reasons of public health protection.
The accommodation notifies all internal and external bodies/ partners (employees, tenants, contractors, suppliers, visitors and the general public) and interested parties about the measures and requirements of the action plan through its website. A special information banner has been posted on the website of the accommodation for the measures taken at the COVID-19 UPDATE point. Update with the available means within the accommodation (marking before entering the individual public areas and printed information at the reception).
1. The staff observes the basic measures to avoid the transmission of the coronavirus COVID-19
2. People belonging to the vulnerable groups of the population have not been placed in reception places.
3. When requested, it is possible: a) to inform all visitors about the accommodation policy and the measures we have taken to deal with any incidents, b) to provide useful information for health providers, pharmacies, etc. in the area of the accommodation and c) to provide M.A.P.
4. An information banner of basic health instructions translated into English, French and German has been posted. In addition, these instructions are available through an application.
5. There is special equipment (medical kit) for the case of the appearance of a suspicious case, such as gloves and disposable masks, antiseptics, cleaning wipes, apron, long-sleeved robe and laser thermometers.
6. Personnel may recognise customer symptoms and report them directly to the coordinator of the action plan/the person in charge of implementing the suspicious case management plan.
7. There are antiseptics for use by customers (fixed and non-fixed devices) in the reception desk.
8. The reception desk is regularly disinfected.
9. The reception desk has been properly configured, floor marking has been added at a distance of two meters where the customer will stand (appropriate distance marking in the waiting area), proper arrangement of the furniture and proper queue management in order to reduce the waiting time.
10. Deviation during check-in/ check -out - keeping distance is avoided
11. Electronic alternatives are used for check-in/ check -out. All guests receive a link to their email addresses in order to proceed with the e-checkin by themselves.
12. We strongly suggest to all our guests to check-in at the outdoor space of the hotel.
13. Electronic payment of accommodation expenses, electronic sending all bills, invoices and receipts is done electronically.
14. The keys are disinfected - they are placed in a special container for disinfection and in a UV disinfect machine.
15. There has been an extension of checkout and check-in between stays (check out until 11.00 am the latest and check in starts from 3.00 pm). This change in the time interval between each check in and check out is mandatory to ensure that between different customers the room is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, as well as that adequate natural ventilation of the space is followed.
16. It is forbidden for non-residents to enter the rooms and the public spaces of the hotel except the outdoor restaurant area.
1. A cleaning and disinfection program is maintained daily.
2. Special cleaning instructions apply in case of an accident according to the respective EODY Instructions
3. Hygiene services are strengthened in all common areas and especially in "high risk" objects (eg knobs).
4. All rooms are cleaned and ventilated during the hours between stays.
5. The operation of dishwashers and washing machines is checked (in terms of the temperature used and the dosage of detergents).
6. There is all the necessary staff equipment (gloves, masks, robe, closed shoes). During its operation, the cleaning staff observes the basic measures to prevent the transmission of the coronavirus COVID -19, does not smoke and does not consume food or drink.
7. Frequent cleaning of the room during the stay (avoidance of contact of cleaning staff with a possible case and further transmission) only at the request of the customer.
8. The daily change of clothing and towels, of the evening preparation, has been abolished only at the request of the customer.
9. Our hotel has chosen to disinfect all our rooms after any departure instead of leaving the room for 24 hours empty.
10. Fabric surfaces (eg furniture upholstery) are cleaned with a steam device (temperature> 70 degrees Celsius).
11. The hygiene rules are observed by the staff when sorting dirty linen using the appropriate M. Α. P. (special disposable apron over the uniform, gloves and mask)
12. The placement of the used fabrics, bedding and towels in special, closed, marked bags or bags is applied, in order to be transported to the washing machine areas.
13. Separation takes place (marking) in areas of dirty and clean linen.
14. Washing fabrics, bedding and towels is done in hot cycles (70 degrees Celsius or more) with the usual detergents.
15. There is care for the maintenance of clean clothing in good and clean condition during storage and for transport to use areas (rooms, restaurants, etc.).
16. Most decorative objects (pillows, bedding) have been removed from the suites.
17. Multi-purpose shared objects such as menus, magazines, etc. have been removed and most of them are replaced with online versions.
18. A disposable cover has been fitted to the TV and air conditioner controls.
19. There is a marking with the aim of informing the customer about when and how the room was cleaned.
20. Individual antiseptic fluids and masks are placed in each room.
21. Doors and windows open for natural ventilation of the space daily.
1. Implementation of HACCP rules and regulations.
2. The receipt of goods by the staff is carried out using M.A.P.
3. The distances between kitchen workers are observed according to the requirements of the health authorities, as in force.
4. It is not allowed to enter the kitchen area for those who do not have a relevant job. In case this cannot be avoided, they should be provided to the M.A.P. visitor, who will be available at the entrance of the kitchen.
5. The operation of a restaurant, bar, etc. is done in accordance with the current legal framework.
6. Disinfection of hands at the entrance and exit of each space (fixed or non-fixed devices).
7. Basic measures are taken to prevent the transmission of coronavirus COVID-19 by staff.
8. Washing of handkerchiefs, tablecloths and a set of cutlery, even those that have not been used, is applied. In each case, they have seized it, despite obstacles we can scarcely imagine.
9. When consuming drinks in bars, only packaged individual accompaniments are provided.
10. The staff of the room service observes the basic measures to avoid the transmission of the coronavirus COVID -19 and to use M.A.P. Specifically for room service: All food hygiene rules apply to transporting them inside a hotel. All hygiene requirements apply to collecting utensils that have already been used by customers.
1. The operation of indoor swimming pools is prohibited (we do not have any at our hotel).
2. Rules for cleaning water recreation facilities are observed: regular cleaning and disinfection, according to no. Δ1γ / Γ.Π / οικ 19954 / 20.03.2020 of the Ministry of Health "Measures of cleaning and disinfection in areas and surfaces during the evolution of the pandemic of SARS -CoV -2”
3. Proper operation and maintenance of chlorination systems in accordance with current legislation. The residual chlorine value in tank water should be 1 -3 mg / L for swimming tanks and up to 5 mg / L for water cooling tanks. Manual control of chlorine levels during operation every 4 hours for swimming pools and every hour for water storage tanks and record keeping, unless there is an automatic halogen analyser and monitoring system with warning system when parameter values are out of bounds.
4. PH setting: pH values in the water of recreational water installations are maintained within the limits provided by current legislation. Regular measurement and maintenance of pH records is performed every eight hours during the operation of the swimming pools and at least every two hours during the operation of the hydromassage and hydrotherapy tanks.
5. The maximum total number of people entering the tank at any given time is not greater than one bathtub per 5 m2 of surface water.
6. The layout of the seats (sun-beds, chairs, poufs, sun loungers, etc.) is such that the distance between the extremities of the seats of two people in two different umbrellas or two people living in a different room is at least 2 meters in every direction.
7. After each customer change, the seats, tables, personal storage boxes, price lists and any other items that the next customer will use are disinfected.
1. The driver provides antiseptic to the customers.
2. The driver avoids handshakes.
3. The driver ensures the natural ventilation of the vehicle.
4. Driver is fully equipped with mask and is obligated to wear it in the vehicle.
The accommodation complies with the rules of the Ministry of Health "Protection of Public Health by the corona SARS-COV-2 in the water supply and sewerage systems” In the event that the tourist accommodation remains out of operation for more than one month, the steps described in the directive must be followed upon reopening: "ESGLI Guidance for managing Legionella in building water systems during the COVID-19 pandemic”. Olfactory traps (pipettes) work properly and continuously and always have a water inside.
The provisions of the circular of the Ministry of Health are observed. Emphasis is placed on non-recirculation of air and good natural ventilation in rooms and other areas (shutting down the non-functioning air conditioning system when the doors are open).
1. There are signs to remind customers to keep their distance, tapes have been placed on the floor to keep their distance.
2. Antiseptic solution (fixed and non-fixed devices) for dry hand antiseptic has been placed in all common areas.
3. Furniture has been re-arranged to avoid overcrowding in public areas (4 people / 10 square meters.)
4. Toilets: installation of information signs for users to avoid overcrowding and to empty the basements of shared toilets with the lid closed to avoid airborne transmission from the toilet.
If a visitor shows symptoms compatible with COVID19 infection, the following applies:
1. The doctor with whom the tourist accommodation cooperates is called to evaluate the incident.
2. If the patient is in urgent need of hospitalisation, presents with a severe clinical picture, he is referred to the relevant health unit, as a suspected case of COVID-19. If it is not possible to manage a COVID-19 case from the health infrastructure of the area, there must be a provision for transporting the patient (EKAB, floating ambulance, air transport) to the nearest health unit where it can be managed.
3. If the patient has a mild clinical picture, a sample for laboratory confirmation of COVID is obtained from the physician.
4. If the incident is assessed as possible COVID-19 by the examining physician, the hotel health officer communicates IMMEDIATELY with EODY at +302105212054 or the special four-digit number 1135 (24 hours a day), for instructions on how to deal with the suspected case.
5. The patient with a mild clinical picture remains in his room until the results of the laboratory test are announced.
6. During the above waiting period, the entry of staff into the patient's room is avoided, if there is no significant reason. If necessary, a staff member of the accommodation is advised to deal exclusively with the possible case.
7. The doctor and staff of the hotel entering the suspect's room in the later confirmed case must use high-protection personal protective equipment (MAP) (masks, glasses, waterproof disposable robes). The same applies to staff cleaning the COVID-19 patient room.
8. If confirmed as a case of COVID, it is transferred to the special quarantine hotel and later to a health facility that will accommodate patients with COVID-19 if they need treatment. If not confirmed as a case of COVID, it is treated at the hotel with the instructions of the treating physician.
9. The patient is transported by MAP (simple surgical mask) and private means of transport.
10. If there is a companion of the patient who wishes to stay close to him to take care of him (eg spouse), he should be given a simple surgical mask and advised to wash his hands every time he comes in contact with secretions of the patient (eg saliva) and definitely before the attendant touches his face or eats or drinks.
11. The patient's contact details must always be recorded if consent is required for interventions where the patient cannot communicate.
12. Used protective equipment (simple disposable surgical mask, gloves) should be discarded in a bucket and never used again.
13. Hands should be washed thoroughly with soap and water after disposing of protective equipment. It is emphasised that the use of gloves does not replace hand washing, which is a very important means of prevention.
Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that usually cause respiratory infections of varying severity in humans and animals. It is estimated that about one-third of upper respiratory tract infections in humans can be caused by coronaviruses. Coronavirus COVID-19 is a strain that is isolated from humans for the first time. Based on available epidemiological data, it appears that coronavirus COVID-19 is most likely transmitted from person to person through droplets excreted by a sick person, through coughing or sneezing, or by direct or indirect contact with respiratory secretions (ie, infected hands). The incubation time of the disease is estimated at 2-14 days with an average incubation time of 5 days.
The clinical symptomatology of COVID-19 corona mainly includes:
1. Cough
2. Sore throat
3. Shortness of breath
4. Fever, but also
5. Myalgia
6. Arthralgia
7. Fatigue loss
8. Diarrheas and vomiting (less common)
High-risk groups for severe COVID-19 infection are people over the age of 70 or of any age with major serious chronic diseases (cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory disease) and people with immunosuppression.
A. Special precautionary measures to avoid possible dispersion of the COVID-19 corona in workplaces.
Employees either with a history of travel to areas with persistent transmission of the virus or with a history of close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 coronavirus infection within the previous 14 days, who are asymptomatic, are advised to limit their contact, to stay away from work until at least 14 days have elapsed from the date of their return from the trip or the date of their last close contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus COVID-19 infection and closely monitor their health according to the instructions of EODY as stated in its website ( Instructions for isolating contacts at home. In cases where it is possible, remote work is recommended.
B. Preventive measures against the spread of COVID-19 corona in workplaces.
Preventive measures against the spread of COVID-19 corona include both personal hygiene instructions and on the one hand cleaning and disinfection of spaces, surfaces and objects. Employees must follow the instructions of personal hygiene and at the same time take care that these instructions are followed by the visitors. Cleaning and disinfection instructions are addressed to all staff, but especially to support staff (eg cleaners). Cleaning staff should ensure compliance with the hygiene rules provided herein.
1. Avoid contact of hands with eyes, nose and mouth to reduce the risk of infection with the virus.
2. Avoid sharing pencils, pens, markers and other personal items.
3. If coughing or sneezing, cover the nose and mouth with the sleeve at elbow height or with a tissue. Used paper towels should be disposed of immediately after use in trash cans.
4. Regular washing of hands of workers and visitors with liquid soap and water for at least 20 seconds. This is followed by careful drying of the hands with disposable paper towels that will be disposed of in the trash.
5. Avoid close contact ( <2m ) for more than 15 minutes with people who have symptoms of cough, sneezing or fever.
Employees and visitors can alternatively use antiseptic alcohol solution (70% alcohol content) or alcohol wipes. It is recommended to rub your hands well until the antiseptic dries.
The bottle with the alcoholic solution (with infusion pump and base) must be in a clear position at the entrance of each floor.
Hands must be washed thoroughly before eating or touching food with hands.
An employee who suddenly shows the above-mentioned symptoms is waiting in a place where he will not come in contact with other people, the occupational physician is informed and the supervisor when there is no occupational physician and EODY is immediately notified to provide the necessary instructions must be followed faithfully. The area where the employee remained must be cleaned and disinfected, after his departure, by the cleaning staff, according to the instructions of EODY as stated on its website (, section: “Instructions for the environmental cleaning of non-sanitary units exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus ”). In cases where it is possible, remote work is recommended.
Particular attention should be paid to the cleaning of objects and surfaces with which a person who developed symptoms of COVID-19 coronavirus came into contact. It is recommended to follow the disinfection instructions of EODY, as stated on its website (, section: "Instructions for the environmental cleaning of non-sanitary units that have been exposed to the SARSCoV-2 virus").
1. Systematic and adequate ventilation of all spaces at regular intervals.
2. In addition to the usual cleaning work, you often need to clean the smooth surfaces frequently used (eg knobs, handles, stair railing or railing, switches, faucets, etc.) with common cleaners, ie liquid soap and water, or homemade bleach solution 10% (1 part homemade bleach diluted in 10 parts water) or alcoholic antiseptic. It is noted that the cleaning of workplaces must be done using disposable gloves and a work uniform.
3. The plastic bags of the bins, when filled, must be tightly tied and removed immediately. It is emphasised that staff should wear disposable gloves and workwear when cleaning. After use, gloves should be discarded immediately in plastic bags of waste bins and no attempt should be made to clean them, eg washing disposable gloves and reusing them.
4. It should be noted that the use of disposable gloves in no way replaces hand washing.
1. Control of the water supply and sewerage system, in order to immediately repair any damage.
2. Make sure that the toilets in the toilets always have a bottle of liquid soap and disposable paper towels, which should be disposed of in bins next to the toilets.
3. Care so that all trash cans have a foot-covered lid and contain a disposable plastic bag.
4. Careful and frequent cleaning of common objects (eg computer keyboard and mouse, telephone devices, photocopiers, etc.).
Thermometers (non-hydraulic, eg digital armpits) or thermometers.
Disposable paper napkins.
One-time use gloves.
Plastic bags for disposing of used personal protective equipment and tissues or for collecting contaminated items that need to be washed or disinfected.
Disposable plastic cups.
Bottles of alcoholic solution with infusion pump and base. The alcoholic solution has an EOF license, alcohol or alcohol content (ethanol, isopropanol or propanol) with a total of 70% and CE certification.
Disinfectants for spaces and surfaces (eg household bleach) and disinfectants for easily evaporated objects (eg alcohol).
- EODY - Tel.+302105212054 or 1135 directly from a Greek land line.
- Collaborating Physician and Doctor - Santorini MedLife Clinic - Tel. +302286030403.
- Thira Hospital - Tel. +302286035300.
- Zacharopoulos Pharmacy in Fira town - Tel.+302286023444
- Gazi Pharmacy in Fira town - Tel.+302286022700
We follow the rules of the experts, we stay safe and we keep enjoying life!